Nov 30- United Way book sale

It's nothing close to the scale of the epic event that's the Times-Colonist book sale, which after all is basically a bookland version of a monster truck rally, but I always appreciate the annual book sale put on at the University of Victoria. Sure, I always buy things I don't need, but I always do that everywhere anyway, and at least these ones are for charity. (You like that rationalization? Yeah, not even I buy that one.)

Anyhoo, at $2 each:
  • Margaret Atwood, The Journals of Susanna Moodie (how can I not already have this?)
  • Marc Bekoff, Minding Animals: Awareness, Emotions, and Heart (no, this is not a reply to the blog F.U., Penguin - motto: "where I tell cute animals what's what")
  • Justine Brown, All Possible Worlds: Utopian Experiments in British Columbia (another Transmontanus selection: #5 in the series)
  • Anthony Carter, Somewhere Between (a slim coffee-table book from 1967, mixing photos of First Nations peoples and practices, with photos of natural scenery [occasionally with urban details], and with stories, captions, and explanations -- very 1967)
  • Eric Collier, Three Against the Wilderness
  • Alan Drengson, The Practice of Technology: Exploring Technology, Ecophilosophy, and Spiritual Disciplines for Vital Links (that last phrase feels like it's from a different book, imho)
  • ed.-in-chief W.G. Hardy, The Alberta Golden Jubilee Anthology, 1905-1955 (right at the beginning of oil, including Eleanor Shearer's piece "The Siren Sands," which begins thus: "The Athabasca oil sands ... are the wonder sands of the world. They were there when the first Indian paddler came down the Athabasca--great glinting cliffs, whose asphalt odour was strong on the summer air" [p.325]")
  • ed. Doreen Jensen and Cheryl Brooks, In Celebration of Our Survival: The First Nations of British Columbia (a collection of pieces by assorted First Nations individuals from BC, answering the call to say what's important about their separate and linked peoples)
  • E. Pauline Johnson, Flint and Feather
  • R.G. Large, The Skeena: River of Destiny (complete with gift dedication to someone about to visit the Skeena: "You will also meet the Author, who is a little more believable than most up there" -- sorry, what?)
  • Patrick McCully, Silenced Rivers: The Ecology and Politics of Large Dams
  • Mourning Dove, Cogewea: The Half-Breed
  • Roderick Frazier Nash, The Rights of Nature: A History of Environmental Ethics
  • Marjorie Hope Nicolson, Mountain Gloom and Mountain Glory: The Development of the Aesthetics of the Infinite (they knew their way around a ringing title in 1959, didn't they?)
  • Catherine Owen, The Wrecks of Eden ("A superbly clear-eyed poet, an anti-Romantic Audubon, her precise elegies enter the heart like scalpels"-George Elliot Clarke)
  • ed. Leroy S. Rouner, On Nature [volume 6, Boston University Studies in Philosophy and Religion]
  • Paul W. Taylor, Respect for Nature: A Theory of Environmental Ethics


naomi said…
Actually, it would seem that you do!

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